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Our Mission
EMAC’s mission is to help build safe and thriving Southeast Asian communities within the larger Asian American and Pacific Islander diaspora. We seek to fulfill this mission through community advocacy and civic engagement, providing culturally relevant resources, and cultivating the development of social empowerment through the expression of our values: transformative justice, culturally rooted healing, communal resiliency, and collective liberation.
Transformative Justice
We practice community-based transformative justice by recognizing the humanity of everyone involved in harm or violence and center those most affected. We strive to heal from and prevent violence, and work towards a long-term vision of holistic liberation.
Culturally Rooted Healing
We embody culturally rooted healing by identifying our individual and shared points of generational trauma and oppression, while actively working to heal individually and collectively. We value our intersectional identities, cultural assets, and wealth, and practice indigenous traditions rooted in our cultures.
Communal Resiliency
We embrace communal resiliency by cultivating strong social bonds within the community. We support and collaborate with each other by exchanging ideas and resources to protect and promote our shared humanity. We stay true to our fundamental identities while also being flexible, capable, and adaptable.
Collective Liberation
We prioritize collective liberation both inside and outside our organization to create a world without systemic oppression. We think beyond silos and build intersectional relationships that center joy, fun, and laughter.
Bridging Communities: The Story of EMAC
Originating from passionate volunteers in Stockton, EMAC began with a mission to support those impacted by deportation and incarceration. Motivated by personal ancestry and a deep connection to Stockton, EMAC's work is driven by a desire to empower the city and create a space where all residents can thrive.
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